If you have just written a blog post that you believe has the potential to go viral on the Internet, chances are you want to get everything with the blog post right. For example, you want to optimize the blog post for search so that your website will receive plenty of qualified traffic, which will in turn lead to the generation of leads and sales.
However, you also want to post the blog post at the best time possible. Here is some information about the best times to post blog posts. Believe it or not, there are studies out there that analyze the ideal time to publish posts for good results.
When Should You Publish a Blog Posts for Traffic, Comments, & Links?
When it comes to publishing your blog posts at the optimal time, you should take into consideration your goals. For example, studies have shown that the best time to publish a blog post for the most traffic is Monday at 11:00 AM EST. If you want the most comments on your blog post, you should publish it on Saturday at 9:00 AM EST. If you want the most inbound links, you should publish your blog post on Monday or Thursday at 7:00 AM EST.
There are advantages and disadvantages of publishing your blog posts at the most popular times. You’ll likely get more engagement, visitors, and comments. However, you can also expect to get higher bounce rates. Another possibility is that you will be buried in the social news feeds of your readers because other blogs will want to capitalize on the popular posting times.
What Is the Best Time to Capitalize on Social Reach?
Many bloggers have the goal of increasing social shares. If you want to get a lot of social reach, you should post your blog posts during non-popular hours, believe it or not. A study conducted by TrackMaven revealed that blog posts published during the non-popular hours tend to get the most social shares. Therefore, you should publish your blog posts on Saturdays and Sundays. In terms of time, you should publish your blog posts between 9:00 PM EST and 12:00 AM EST.
The reason your blog posts will get more shares if published during non-peak times is that blog posts published during the most popular times tend to end up buried in the news feeds of social media websites. Another possibility is that people take the time to read blog posts that pop up on their news feeds during non-peak times. These people have more time to share the content with their own audiences.
The Best Time for Increasing Page Views and Social Shares
Another study came to a different conclusion when it comes to the best time to publish blog posts for more social shares. Social Fresh used data collected by Shareaholic to conclude that social shares are highest when blog posts are published on Thursdays between 9:00 AM EST and 10:00 AM EST.
When it comes to page views, the optimal time is different. If you want the most page views for your blog post, you should publish your blog post on Monday between 9:00AM and 10:00 AM EST. You can expect page views to be lower if you publish your blog post after 12:00 PM EST.
The time at which you publish a blog post has a major impact on the success of the content. For more information about the best times to post blogs, don’t hesitate to contact us.