Is Your Small Business Taking Advantage Of The Seasons?

As the seasons change, so do consumer habits and purchasing. Depending on the industry that your business is in, seasonal purchasing can have a significant impact on your bottom line. Understanding these changes and preparing for them in advance will be key to an effective marketing strategy.
Spring: Big Ticket Items, New Fashion, Home Renovations and Decor
When spring rolls …Read More

How Small Business Owners Can Increase Profits And Business On Instagram

Social media marketing is a foregone conclusion in today’s tech savvy world, and long gone are the days when placing a targeted ad or two online count as a marketing initiative. Various studies have outlined the migration from Facebook and Twitter to Instagram, with social engagement demonstrably higher on this platform, as users consider the …Read More

7 Great Ways To Maximize Hash Tags For More Business

Are you looking for more business? Now THERE’S a silly question! Hashtags (metadata tags following a number sign or pound sign which use a word or unspaced phrase to attract the interest of a user) have proven their worth in social media advertising time and again. Millions of prospective clients use social media apps daily, and are a tremendous …Read More