Local SEO
True Local Seo is Attracting The Majority of Your Local Customers.
Search Engine Optimization is the process of affecting the visibility of a website in a search engine’s unpaid results otherwise known as natural, organic or earned results. The process requires the work of algorithms and using what have been termed as spiders to crawl the web for links to build indexes for every search.
They go through trustworthy and important sites to generate the information that is most appropriate, relevant or popular for your search.
Years ago, this process would have taken nearly a month to create individual indexes.
The Acronym N.A.P.
This beautiful acronym stands for:
The Name of The Business Submitted To Local Directories That MATTTER. - ADDRESS:
The Address of The Business. (Whether Private or Public, many directories that MATTER require this for citation ranking improvement. - PHONE NEMBER:
The Phone Number of The Business Submitted.
Basically When we build your Google or Apple Maps Listing, we want to make sure that consistently across the web, this information is the same, and current. This gives your prospects the ability to know the most important contact resolution aspects about your business when they are searching.
Note, you want your NAP INFORMATION to be ACCURATE NAP INFORMATION otherwise trusted sites won’t link back to you. You can also reach out to a blog that is already reaching the customer base you are targeting and offer to do “guest blogging” for them in return for linkbacks and mentions in their blogs. Quid pro quo has been in practice since the beginning of time, and it is still present in the online world.
Local SEO is a combination of Offsite & Onsite Optimization.
On-Site vs. Off-Site SEO
Using your keywords properly on your site is key to proper onsite SEO marketing.
Crafting those keywords into the content on your page and especially into the headlines and titles of your pages is essential. You want also to utilize your metadata as well as your URLs. If your page is about SEO, put that in the headline, in the URL and your tags and descriptions. Metadata is “data about data” and is essential for building your onsite SEO.
You can create all of your metadata automatically or manually. Transversely, offsite is more of a manual process and requires a lot more work. Search engine crawlers search the Web to find links that direct people back to your site. Linkbacks to your site from more reputable places, i.e., Forbes or CNN.com, are considered good content and boost your offsite SEO.